The 2020 flours to hit the shelves.   Try banana or cauliflower flour  Consumer packaged goods are getting in on the trend by replacing traditional alternative flours with tigernut flour in chips and snack foods, and tasty pastries made with seed flour blends. As consumers look for more ways to boost their bake, “super” flours delivering protein and fiber join the trend. Let the adventures in baking begin!

What Is Green Banana Flour?

Resistant starch “resists” the process of breaking down into sugars. This may help lower blood sugar levels. Additionally, it may help you feel more satiated, lowers pH levels and helps reduce cell damage. Another bonus to the green banana flour and other forms of resistant starch is that it helps form good bacteria in the gut. This good bacteria helps protect the cells. To gain the benefits of resistant starch, use it in your morning smoothie or other cold beverage. If gluten-free is the goal, using it for baking is great. You can use less than wheat flour. Experiment with your recipes.


In addition to being gluten, wheat, and dairy-free, the “flour” is also a good source of Vitamin C and fiber, and contains fewer calories, fat, and sodium than most gluten-free baking mixes. Some will measure cup for cup like traditional flour.    Though most of them are a combination of rice, tapioca and other flours.   So if you’re in the market for a healthier gluten-free flour and don’t mind a slightly vegetal taste to your baked goods, full steam ahead.


Tigernut flour is naturally gluten free and Paleo.

High in fiber, iron, potassium, protein, magnesium, zinc and vitamins E and C,  One ounce of these crunchy root vegetables contains 40 percent of the recommended daily fiber intake.

Tigernuts contain natural sugar, healthy fats and have a high level of resistant starch, which reaches the colon intact. Resistant starch promotes prebiotic growth and supports a healthy immune and digestive track. It can also lower blood glucose levels and improves insulin sensitivity.

Because tigernut flour is light and has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor, it allows bakers to cut back on added sugar. It tends to work well in combination with other flours and starches such as coconut flour, almond flour, gluten-free oats and arrowroot or potato starch.

You can use it to add a sweet crunchy texture to baked goods such as  biscotti, cookies and pie crusts. Add Tigernut flour to brownies, pancakes, and pudding for a sweet protein punch. Its nutty flavor also works well when added to black bean or veggie burgers.


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